Chef of the Week: Nuha

3 years ago
Our first ever Chef’s Chat Chef of the Week! Meet Nuha @manhaljuma! She is an amazing cook with tons of great recipes! She is from Iraq and has been cooking since 2000. She even made her first dish at the age of 16! Very impressive Nuha!! Cooking is her hobby and passion. We asked her why she enjoys what she does and Nuha said that it gives her the opportunity to be creative, especially while being at home with the pandemic. Her favorite food to cook is a delicious traditional food called Dolma. Over the years, Nuha has created many incredible dishes, some of which are shown in the photos below. We are so lucky to have an amazing cook like Nuha as our first EVER Chef’s Chat Chef of the Week! Don’t forget to check her out on Instagram @manhaljuma


  1. Chefs Chat

    Thank you Nuha for being an INCREDIBLE Chef of the Week!! We are extremely grateful! Your cooking skills are amazing and we love your recipes!

  2. Q

    Nice work Nuha! Very creative dishes that you have created – loved your Instagram as well. You have built up quite impressive creations!

  3. Chef Michael

    Your dishes look very nice! Definitely a great pick for a first Chef of the Week – impressive woman! I definitely enjoy Dolma

  4. Chef Andrew

    Very nice! You can see that you are very passionate about cooking and put a lot of effort and time into your dishes – keep up the great work!

  5. Natalie

    Wow Nuha that is amazing! I love that you made your first dish at only 16, that is great! Also, I love your photos. Very great plating ideas, and the food looks delicious!!

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