Chef of the Week: Chef Paul ‘Flex’ Browne

3 years ago

Our new Chef’s Chat Chef of the Week is Chef Paul ‘Flex’ Browne! He is an incredible chef from Ireland. Chef Paul ‘Flex’ Browne created his first dish when he was only 10 years old!!! Wow, that is very impressive! He has been a chef in both Ireland and in the UK. Surprisingly, he has only been properly cooking for only 5 years – but you wouldn’t be able to tell, because his dishes are absolutely to die for! Chef Paul ‘Flex’ Browne told us that he loves being a chef for the creativity – and let’s be honest, he is very creative! When asked what his favorite thing to cook is, he said there are too many to mention. Thank you so much Chef Paul ‘Flex’ Browne for being our new Chef of the Week! Don’t forget to check out his Instagram @chef_flex2021


  1. Q

    I would love to hear some of the recipes you used in your dishes – they look great

  2. Chef Michael
  3. Natalie

    I can’t believe you have only been a chef for 5 years – that is incredible! I love your dishes!

  4. Chef Andrew

    Amazing dishes Chef! Very impressive!

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