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Chef Jason

2 years ago

Introducing our newest Chef of the Week, Chef Jason! This chef is an incredibly talented chef from Australia that has 20 years of experience in the industry. This has led him to create some delicious, mouth watering plates – just check out some of his creations on his Instagram @chefando  and you will see what we are talking about!

Chef Jason actually made his first dish at only 11 years old. He made a carbonara for a show and tell presentation – quite impressive for a first dish at such a young age!

When asked about why he enjoys being a chef, Chef Jason said that he loves the adrenaline and creativity that he gets from working in a kitchen. Just by looking at his photos, you can easily see how creative and talented this chef really is. Whatever you are in the mood for, he is your go to chef!

Outside of being in a kitchen, Chef Jason likes to listen to punk music and loves to spend quality time with his family.

Thank you Chef Jason for the amazing dishes you create and for being our newest Chef of the Week! Be sure to check out his Instagram and see some of his incredible work!

Chef Andrew

2 years ago

Chef Andrew is a highly experienced and well-traveled chef who has been in the business for over 10 years. He was born in America but has cooked around the world, learning about different cultures and types of cuisine. Chef Andrew is a passionate cook who loves to experiment with new flavors and ingredients. His favorite dish to make is a lamb biryani with a saffron yogurt sauce.

In his spare time, he enjoys traveling and exploring new places. He is also an avid swimmer, and prefers to swim in the ocean whenever possible.

Chef Alexander’s vast experience and culinary creativity make him a master of his craft. When it comes to food, he knows no bounds. Whether you’re looking for a gourmet meal or a simple but delicious dish, Chef Andrew is sure to have something to suit your taste.


Why Chefs Love Their Job

3 years ago
“Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes and colors, there are only so many flavors – it’s how you combine them that sets you apart.” – Wolfgang Puck
There are many reasons why people love to be chefs, and cook in a busy kitchen. For some, it is the satisfaction of creating a beautiful and delicious meal. For others, it is the challenge of working in a fast-paced environment and keeping everything organized. And for others still, it is the opportunity to interact with people from all walks of life and make them happy with their food. Whatever the reason, there is no doubt that being a chef can be a highly rewarding experience. Not only do chefs get to express their creativity and share their passion for food with others, but they also get to play an important role in making people’s lives just a little bit better. And that is something that everyone can appreciate. What is it that drives you to be a chef? Share your answers in the comments below ⬇️
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